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PoP UP ❤️Show in Boise Feb. 12

I'm enjoying some festive play time here in the winter months, with several new creative works in process. I have a lot more studio time each day, making each morning a joy to discover what Santa's elves have been up to the night before. It does feel magical; how does all this happen?

This winter I feel most intensely the love that Mother Earth has for me. I sense her magic in the songs the frozen lake ice creates, the snow piled up like millions of microchips of memories from a far away land and time, in the darkness that incubates, like mother, creating new life, new love, new creation. I feel Mother Earth's love for me in my material art making, as well as in my friendships and family relationships. I sense her, loving me, through the new love in my life. I feel the love of this dark, creative space when the nights are longer. I aml nurtured by this time of darkness, a little extra time to practice good self care, learn about energy medicine, read about the Quantum field, and clean house--physically, mentally, energetically, and emotionally. Questions of the heart and my heart's deep connection to the heart of the planet have permeated this winter time and inspired my creative journey.

It should be no surprise, I guess, to find myself with the desire to create some new mosaic hearts. Mosaic hearts have been a staple of my studio production process since the days of Various Designs in San Francisco. I've made many mosaic hearts over the years, often with special words, photos, messages and and momentos embedded in the grout. They make a heart-felt gift for someone important.

I love making unique, one-of-kind hearts commissioned by my clients. Next time you want a special heart felt gift choose one fom my shop or commission me to make one for you.

Here's a sneak peak from the studio:

I'm getting things ready now for a Pop Up show and sale in Boise this weekend

with my dear friend since childhood, Tara Hall,

who is showcasing her new floral and gift design delivery service in Boise, Idaho.

We will have lots of fun ideas to Tickle your fancy, or the fancy of someone you love...

Please join us Saturday February 12

12-4pm ( or by appointment )

5773 Winfield Ct Boise, ID 83703

Please contact me by cel for info or directions: 203-524-8556.

Tara and I will be joining our forces to bring you a selection of fun and fancy gift ideas your sweetheart will love, or perhaps, something you'll fall in love with for yourself.


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